Power of Social Connection with Steve Nida

Class Details

Power of Social Connection with Steve Nida

Discover the power of the kindness of a single individual to negate the harmful effects of social exclusion.

Week 1 Instructor(s)
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Week 2 Instructor(s)
Week 3 Instructor(s)
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Period One
9:00 am
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The need for social connection is a basic human quality. Healthy social relationships are necessary for a productive and meaningful existence, and in some respects they are essential for our survival. Research has established that having rich social networks and ample social support is associated with a variety of positive health-related outcomes, but psychological science has also generated some fascinating insights into what happens when social connection is withdrawn or denied. This class will examine some of these findings with an eye toward their implications not only for our everyday behavior, but also for understanding prejudice, discrimination, and interpersonal conflict. In particular, we will take a close look at intentional social exclusion (e.g., ostracism, shunning, ghosting, ignoring) -- how it works, its impact, and its consequences – and we will consider strategies for countering its harmful effects. You will emerge from the week with an understanding of how the kindness of a single individual can often be the key to negating the impact of such behaviors


Something For Everyone

Schedule a week or two, or three! Or, just sprinkle some classes in between other commitments.

Week 1

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Week 2

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